What Are Georgia Troopers Doing To Crack Down On Distracted Driving?

Earlier this month, the Georgia State Patrol announced a new crackdown

focusing on distracted driving called the ‘Stop the Threat’ campaign.

Georgia has seen an increase in single vehicle accidents over the last year. This is almost entirely attributable to distracted driving and is preventable.

In the coming months, the GSP will be specifically targeting motorist driving poorly, aggressively or while distracted as part of its ‘Stop the Threat’ program.

Crowell said a cell phone is deadly when you use it while driving, advising drivers to “just drive.”

Colonel Mark McDonough, head of the Department of Public Safety, estimates that 94 percent of all traffic accidents are caused by drivers not doing what they should be doing.

For the remainder of 2015, ‘Stop the Threat’ will have troopers placed in high crash areas across the state.

‘Stop the Threat’ is essential over the final month of the year as the number of highway fatalities is creeping up.

What are Georgia’s Distracted Driving Laws?

Distracted driving is a major safety threat in Georgia and throughout the country. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each day in the U.S., distracted driving kills more than 9 people and injures nearly 1,200 people.

Cellphones have quickly become the most common distraction associated with car accidents. According to texting while driving stats released by Distraction.gov, the average time a driver’s eyes are off the road while texting is five seconds. Considering that statistic, if a driver writes or reads a text when driving a car 55 mph, his or her eyes would be off the road for enough time to drive the length of a football field.

Georgia distracted driving law bans texting and driving for drivers of all ages. Unfortunately, this has not deterred many from texting. When a driver tries to deny that he or she was using a cellphone at the time of the car crash, a texting while driving accident attorney can gather cellphone records that show when calls and texts were sent and received.