BUIs Are Up For Georgia Boating Accidents

Georgia officials say tougher laws have led to fewer boating accidents. While there has been a decline in boating accidents, for the second consecutive year, the number of Georgians cited for boating under the influence has increased.

So far this year, the number of boating accidents is down to 91, compared to 99 last year. Officers have already issued more than 190 BUI citations this year, already surpassing last year’s total of 182.

There have also been fewer drownings so far this year, 30 so far, compared to 45 last year. Both figures are still well below the average of 52 each of the past 15 years. Overall, 17 people have died this year as the result of a boating accident fatality, compared to 12 last year.

In 2013, following a number of high profile alcohol-related boating fatalities on Lake Lanier, safety advocates pressed for changes.
The state of Georgia now requires individuals born after July 1, 1998 to take a state-approved boating safety course. Courses are required for anyone who rents a watercraft with a 10-horsepower engine or larger.

Thankfully, many responsible people are taking boating classes to ensure safety on the water. Over 5,000 people took the calls, which was only 3,677 in 2013. The state also lowered the blood-alcohol content threshold from .10 to .08, which is the same as for drunken driving in a car.

Also, anyone younger than 13 has to wear a life jacket. Between the start of 2012 to mid-May this year, three of every four boating deaths involved someone not wearing a life jacket.

Macon Boating Accident Attorneys Ready To Fight For You

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from a boating accident, contact our attorneys at the McArthur Law Firm. Our Georgia boating accident lawyers have years of experience and we fight hard to make sure the negligent parties are held responsible for all injuries sustained in the accident. Contact our office today for a free consultation at 478-238-6600 (Macon, GA) or 404-565-1621 (Atlanta, GA). If outside of Georgia, call 478-238-6600.