The McArthur Law Firm Helps Fund Rutland JROTC Field Trip

Our Macon, Georgia personal injury law firm puts giving back to our local community as a top priority. Recently, we got involved with the Marine Corps Junior ROTC program at Rutland High School to give the kids there an experience they will never forget. Kathy McArthur made a donation of $1,000 to help fund a field trip to Washington, D.C. and its surrounding areas.

Among the sights the cadets got to see, they visited the National Museum of the Marine Corps just outside Quantico, VA. The museum is a lasting tribute to the important service of the U.S. Marines and contains world-class interactive exhibits using innovative technology to immerse visitors in the sights and sounds of the Marines. The cadets got to look at irreplaceable pieces of Marine history, including galleries and artifacts from the Revolutionary War, Civil War and both World Wars.

The cadets and chaperones also had the chance to go around D.C. to see some of the monuments and sights there. Everyone was flabbergasted by the whole trip and learned a lot about military service! These cadets are now readier than ever to join the service, with some of the seniors currently pursuing entry and some have already been sworn in.

Our law firm wishes the best for all of the cadets and their futures, whether in the Marines or elsewhere. We love to see the young people in our community grow and believe that this experience was something that the kids could really appreciate.

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