Which Macon Bar Injured A Patron By Juggling Glasses?

The hospital is the last place you want to end up after a night at the bar, but for one of our clients, that is exactly what happened last year. While visiting the Macon bar called The Hummingbird Stage and Taproom downtown, a patron was struck by a thick glass that a bartender dropped while performing a juggling act. The glass caused a serious laceration to our client, requiring immediate medical attention and two staples in her head to fix up, costing her over $4,800.

Premises liability laws help victims who are injured on other peoples’ property. By being a patron in a bar, you are known legally as an invitee. This grants you the right to remain safe from undue harm and injury while on the premises of the bar, including parking lots, alleyways and anywhere else on bar property.

The bar owner or operator has a duty of care to customers to ensure that no one is hurt, and when negligence is involved, that puts the responsibility for injuries on the owner. In a bar injury case, there are four steps to proving your claim:

  1. The bar owner had a legal duty to protect patrons from harm.
  2. The bar owner could foresee the danger that caused the injuries. A bartender juggling heavy glasses, for example, is a foreseeable danger.
  3. The bar owner ignored the duty of care it owed the victim.
  4. This negligence resulted in the injuries.

People are injured on other parties’ properties every day, and in many cases, the injuries are life-altering. When you suffer an injury on someone else’s property, you need a powerful voice to speak for you, because the insurance companies are going to push their hardest to prevent you from getting the money you deserve for your pain. So if you get hurt, do not try to fight it yourself – you’ll be in much better hands with Kathy McArthur. It would not be our first time winning a $1 million verdict for a premises liability injury – we have done it before, and we can do it again. Call us at 478-238-6600 (Macon, GA) or 404-565-1621 (Atlanta, GA) to schedule a free consultation.

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