Will Police Training Help Fight Elder Abuse?

Lately, we’ve been talking about the fight against elder abuse and trying to find ways to help our mothers, fathers, and grandparents enjoy their golden years. There are people out there who aren’t looking out for our elderly. Recently a nursing home network in our area was cut off from federal funding and reports of elder abuse are on the rise, but Georgia police are ready to fight future abuse.

The program is called “End Abuse in Later Life,” and though the police of Chatham County GA have not undergone this program’s training, county officials say the first day of training is going to hit very soon. This program is specialized to help the police identify indicators of elder abuse, even the signs that usually fly under the radar.

What Signs Of Elder Abuse Will Police Learn About?

The officers will be trained to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse. This can include behaviors, home conditions, and unusual statements that could indicate that an individual is being abused in a nursing home. This could help protect the elderly from physical, and mental abuse as well as neglect, and financial abuse. These skills will help officers identify situations where intervention is needed, which will keep our loved ones just a little bit safer.

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Why Do Police Need Extra Training?

Right now the US population of individuals over the age of 65 is rising rapidly. The Baby Boomers are aging and expanding this segment of the population at an incredible pace, and experts believe that people age 65 and older will make up 20 percent of the entire US population by the year 2050. This will probably cause cases of elder abuse to rise, and considering that one study estimated that only 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse are ever reported, we could be facing a potential epidemic.

The National Center on Elder Abuse says that physical/cognitive ability, fear of retaliation, and lack of training are the main contributors to the lack of elder abuse reports. So keep your eyes peeled and never be afraid to contact authorities, attorneys, or advocacy groups if you suspect an elderly person is being abused. Keep following our blog, Twitter and Facebookfor even more tips and tricks that can help keep your loved ones safer.

A message from the Macon nursing home abuse attorneys at the McArthur Law Firm – We’re the Real Deal.

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