If you are hurt in a semi truck crash, then it is imperative to call a truck crash attorney in Georgia as soon as possible. While you should seek legal advice after any vehicle collision in Georgia, you may face additional obstacles if a commercial truck is involved. For example, the trucking company may arrive at the scene of the crash quickly to clear away valuable evidence. A Georgia truck accident lawyer can take steps to prevent these actions and ensure that your claim is as strong as possible.

Georgia Attorneys Explain the Importance of Quick Action

When To Contact A Truck Accident LawyerAt the McArthur Law Firm, our attorneys have decades of experience fighting for the rights of truck wreck victims. We have faced down trucking companies and their aggressive legal teams before, so we understand the tactics they use to try to minimize settlements.

When you contact our law firm, we will answer your questions and start working to build your case. This includes sending investigators to the crash site, issuing notices to the truck company, and speaking with experts. While you focus on recovering from your injuries or a loved one’s wrongful death, we will aggressively pursue your claim against the truck company and its insurance provider. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can start working to protect your rights.

Why Should I Call An Attorney Immediately After A Truck Crash?

An attorney can fight for your best interests in an insurance claim and/or personal injury lawsuit. However, long before you file any kind of claim, a lawyer gathers evidence and files legal notices to protect your future case. This is why calling an attorney quickly is so important. After a truck wreck, evidence disappears quickly, especially if a powerful trucking company is working against you. Such evidence may include:

  • Crash scene evidence. Accident reconstructionists use information like skid marks, vehicle positions and damage to the surroundings to build a picture of how the collision happened. However, this evidence can fade or disappear within a few days, sometimes even just a few hours. The trucking company will likely send representatives to the crash scene immediately to gather any information that is in their favor.
  • Vehicle damage. The trucking company may work quickly to repair their vehicle, leaving a very small window to get photographs and other evidence of the damage. Additionally, in many cases, companies may keep their repair records for only a short period of time.
  • Truck inspection and maintenance records. Trucking companies must ensure their vehicles are given regular inspections and routine maintenance. However, the company may keep records of these checks for only a short period.
  • Black box data. Most commercial trucks have electronic data recorders (EDRs) and/or electronic logbooks. This data can be essential to your accident claim. It can prove whether the driver was speeding or in violation of any other Georgia trucking regulations, such as hours of service limits. However, the trucking company may attempt to erase or alter this data if it is not retrieved quickly.

What Will A Lawyer Do When I Call After A Truck Wreck?

When To Contact A Truck Accident Lawyer from McArthur Law FirmIf you or a loved one sustains injuries in a trucking crash, then calling a lawyer quickly can help prevent loss or spoliation of evidence. Your first priority should be getting emergency treatment for yourself and any other victims who need it. Then, you can seek legal help afterward or have a loved one call on your behalf. As soon as you contact a personal injury attorney from our law firm, we can:

  • Investigate the scene. We can visit the scene of the crash to recover as much evidence as possible. This helps ensure nothing goes overlooked, and we can verify or counter any conclusion the trucking company may draw from their own evidence.
  • Send a duty to preserve letter. After a crash, the trucking company itself will have much of the most useful evidence, such as maintenance records and black box data. To prevent loss of the information, a lawyer will send an official notice to the company. This notice of letter informs the company that you plan to pursue a claim and that they must preserve all relevant evidence. If they fail to do so, then they may face penalties and sanctions in court.
  • Interview witnesses. As time goes on, witnesses may forget key details or be confused about what happened. Therefore, the more quickly an attorney can speak to witnesses, the better.

Gathering key evidence quickly is important for any accident claim, as it disappears quickly. After a truck crash, you are up against the trucking company; the owners of the company will try to protect their profits and their company’s reputation. Hiring your own lawyer levels the playing field and puts a seasoned fighter on your side.

Call A Local Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If a truck crash caused your injuries or a loved one’s wrongful death in Georgia, then contact our law firm right away. Even if you are still in the hospital, it is to your benefit to get a lawyer’s advice as soon as possible. Our team can gather evidence on your behalf and handle all negotiations with the commercial carrier and/or insurance company. Even if the trucking company already contacted you, we can take steps to protect your case.

When To Contact The Truck Accident Lawyers at McArthur Law Firm

More Info About Truck Accident FAQs

If you’d like to learn more about truck accident FAQs, read our informative articles below. We answer some of the most frequently asked questions about truck accidents.