Who Was Affected By The GM Ignition Switch Defect?

So often we see an automotive recall and we think that we just won’t be affected by it. However, that just isn’t true. A family in Georgia learned this lesson the hard way, but their story can help keep others from suffering what they endured.

Who Was Affected By The GM Ignition Switch Defect?

A 29-year-old nurse had just gotten off of work and was heading to her boyfriend’s house to celebrate. You see, it was her birthday and after a hard day’s work, she was planning to unwind, but she would never get to. On Hiram Acworth Highway, this 29-year-old drove down a hill and hydroplaned on a puddle of water. Her car was then struck by an oncoming vehicle, and it spun out into the nearby river. After paramedics rushed her to the hospital, doctors fought furiously to save her, but her injuries were too much. The nurse died.

After the crash, authorities were convinced that this nurse was at fault. However, her father wasn’t so sure. Despite his wife urging him to let it go, the father of this 29-year-old nurse began his own investigation. What he found shook the automotive industry.

His daughter’s car, a 2005 Chevy Cobalt, had actually stalled right before the accident occurred. This stall happened despite the car being serviced only days before. The father requested documents to explain this from GM, but the manufacturer refused until a judge sent the company a subpoena. What the father found was shocking.

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The Discovery Of An Automotive Defect

GM had discovered an automotive defect in the ignition of its vehicles, which had resulted in the deaths of 124 people. The extent of what he found forced GM to admit to gross misconduct, and it resulted in an expansion to GM’s ignition recall. Eventually, this man and his family settled with GM for over $6 million, but lawsuits against the company are still piling up.

A recent appeals court decision has allowed several other civil lawsuits against GM to proceed. That means the families of people who fell victim to the GM ignition switch defect can start to find some justice in this situation. Several Georgians are among those victims and their families.

Auto recalls affect us all, so check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website to make sure your car is safe. If your vehicle is a part of a recall, don’t wait, get it fixed as soon as possible. To learn more about these recalls, keep an eye on our recall blog. We will not only let you know when a product is threatening your safety, but we can also let you know about your legal rights. So stick with us, and check out our Facebook and Twitter pages to let us know what concerns you have about how safe your car is.

A message from the car defect lawyers at the McArthur Law Firm – Fighting on behalf of injury victims.

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